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HafenCity at the web:

Found domain-names with HafenCity:

http://www.hafencity.com --> GHS website (dto: http://www.hafencityhamburg.de/) (The website of the HafenCity developing agency called GHS).

http://www.hafencity.net --> Studierende des Studienganges Stadtplanung an der TU-Hamburg-Harburg und Mitglieder einer Projektgruppe "Wohnen in der HafenCity" (Students of urban development at the technical university harburg and members of the group "living at the HafenCity").

http://www.hamburger-hafencity.de --> "Inoffizielle seite von klaus junge @ architecture" mit einem Vorschlag zu "geografischen Änderungen"
bei der Realisierung der HafenCity (Inofficial website of klaus junge with a proposal about "geografical changes" of the realization of the HafenCity).

http://www.hafencity.de --> Dort heißt es "Willkommen bei www.fleetwohnen.de". Beworben werden Stadtwohnungen am Alsterfleet
(A commercial site, which is no directly related to HafenCity. they are selling appartements nearby the HafenCity area).

http://www.hamburghafencity.de/ --> "Ein unabhängiges Online-Zine" über "gestern, heute und morgen des Projektes HafenCity"
"An independent online-zine" about "yesterday, now and tomorrow of the project HafenCity" (Made by members of a web/content-course).

http://www.hafencity.org/ --> webflyer zur HafenCity

Other sites reporting on or dealing with HafenCity:

[überNormalNull] Kunst Bauen Stadtentwicklung. Art Construction Urban Development.

HafenCity and church:

[Nordelbische ev.-luth. Kirche]
[Friedenskirche Siek]

Other sites referring to hafencity.com

http://t21.cruxible.com/creativecity/ "dull people makes a dull city"....

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Edited January 21, 2003 13:01 (diff)