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Difference (from revision 8 to current revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1,2
the structure for ReadyToCapture during the ArtGenda? weeks might be the following:


Changed: 3c4
ArtGenda? will take place from june, 7th (friday) till 24th (monday). arrivals are scheduled from june, 3rd (monday)
The structure for ReadyToCapture during the artgenda weeks might be the following:

Changed: 5c6
for our project we are planning for each week fixed days (we're orderly germans ;)
artgenda will take place from june, 7th (friday) till 24th (monday). arrivals are scheduled from june, 3rd (monday)

Changed: 7,9c8
* O each monday evening: meeting of all participants
* => each thursday: showing/presentation of working results inbetween ReadyToCapture project
* <= each saturday: presentation/discussions/speaches/showcases with guests, films, etc, related to our project and/or HafenCity
For our project we are planning for each week fixed days (we're orderly germans ;)

Changed: 11c10,12
update: we are currently fixing the TimeTable. see ProgrammTopics to see what we are trying to arrange (march'02)
* O Each monday evening: meeting of all participants
* => Each thursday: showing/presentation of working results inbetween ReadyToCapture project
* <= Each saturday: presentation/discussions/speaches/showcases with guests, films, etc, related to our project and/or HafenCity

Added: 12a14,19
update: We are currently fixing the TimeTable. See ProgrammTopics to see what we are trying to arrange (march'02)


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The structure for ReadyToCapture during the artgenda weeks might be the following:

artgenda will take place from june, 7th (friday) till 24th (monday). arrivals are scheduled from june, 3rd (monday)

For our project we are planning for each week fixed days (we're orderly germans ;)

update: We are currently fixing the TimeTable. See ProgrammTopics to see what we are trying to arrange (march'02)

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Last edited July 13, 2002 23:52 (diff)