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Difference (from prior author revision) (major diff, minor diff)

Added: 0a1,2


Changed: 2,6c4,6
"A hypertext is not a closed work but an open fabric of heterogeneous traces and associations that are in a process of
constant revision and supplementation. The structure of a hypertext is not fixed but is forever shifting and always mobile. ...
Everything everywhere is middle. Instead of an organic whole, a hypertext is a rent texture whose meaning is unstable and
whose boundaries are constantly changing." (Taylor and Saarinen, Imagologies, "Telewriting," 6).
(found at http://www.english.uga.edu/~hypertxt/ht2.html)
"A hypertext is not a closed work but an open fabric of heterogeneous traces and associations that are in a
process of constant revision and supplementation. The structure of a hypertext is not fixed but is forever

shifting and always mobile. ...Everything everywhere is middle. Instead of an organic whole, a hypertext is

a rent texture whose meaning is unstable and whose boundaries are constantly changing."

Added: 7a8,13
Taylor and Saarinen, Imagologies, "Telewriting,". Found at http://www.english.uga.edu/~hypertxt/ht2.html


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"A hypertext is not a closed work but an open fabric of heterogeneous traces and associations that are in a
process of constant revision and supplementation. The structure of a hypertext is not fixed but is forever
shifting and always mobile. ...Everything everywhere is middle. Instead of an organic whole, a hypertext is
a rent texture whose meaning is unstable and whose boundaries are constantly changing."

Taylor and Saarinen, Imagologies, "Telewriting,". Found at http://www.english.uga.edu/~hypertxt/ht2.html

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Last edited September 1, 2002 14:37 (diff)