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Art and culture play a very important role in the concept of the HafenCity as an image product. TetraPak was discussing continously if our project ReadyToCapture would - as we know by experience and the gentrification debate of the last years - be integrated in the process of image-production easily or if there were any chances to comment and analyze the development of the HafenCity and it´s politics - and, by doing so, opening up the space for alternatives.

# Culturual projects and art in the Hafencity CulturalGentrificationHafenCity | # Sociological definition of [Gentrification]
# Gentrification-effects on the neighbouring district SüdlicheNeustadt? | # Bibliography Gentrification [Armut und Reichtum in der Großstadt]
# Trying to reanimate the [City Nord], a big urban development project in Hamburg by cultural gentrification [Die Kunst geht in die City Nord]

>Engpass< (Kehrwiederspitze) von Roman Signer. Aussendient - Kunst im Öffentlichen Raum

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Edited April 27, 2003 23:22 (diff)