[Home]MadsenM 25f6llerNonFunctionalSites

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Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 3c3
* MadsenMöller?, DK/ Kopenhagen Offenes Büro zur Untersuchung nicht-funktionaler Orte/
Open office for investigating non-functional sites

* MadsenMöller?, DK/ Kopenhagen Offenes Büro zur Untersuchung nicht-funktionaler Orte /
Open office for investigating non-functional sites

Changed: 7c7
http://ready2capture.dekoder.de/upload/OfficefortheInvestigationofNon-Sites.jpg Madsen&Möller in their office at ReadyToCapture

Removed: 12d11

Madsen&Möller in their office at ReadyToCapture

# Pics of the [Presentation] | # Text of their presentation and the following discussion in german ArbeitsGespräch?
# Articles by Madsen&Möller ExpansionContemplation/ ExpansionsBetrachtung
# About the method of investigating non-functional sites [Harbour Project, sites Aarhus Harbour 2000]

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Last edited June 2, 2003 8:54 (diff)