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Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 4c4
Cities with harbour-restructuring projects in Europe:
Cities with harbour-restructuring or waterfront-revitalisation projects in Europe:

Changed: 6,7c6,8


* Vienna, Donau City. Google search results for [Vienna Donau City]. Official webpage [Wien Donau City]

Changed: 9c10,12
* London. DockLands. Official webpage [Docklands] | History [History of the Docklands]

* London, Docklands. Official webpage [Docklands] | History [History of the Docklands].

Changed: 11c14

Removed: 13d15

Changed: 15,16c17,18

* Copenhagen, Ørestad. Official Webpage [Ørestad]

Removed: 18d19

Changed: 21,22c22,23
* Flensburg. SonWik. Official webpage [SonWik]
* Hamburg/ Freetrade harbour. HafenCity. Official Webpage [HafenCity].See infos about ReadyToCapture and the group TetraPak.
* Flensburg. SonWik. Official webpage [SonWik].
* Hamburg/ Freetrade harbour. HafenCity. Official Webpage [HafenCity]. See infos about ReadyToCapture and the group TetraPak.

Changed: 24,25c25,26
* Kiel. KaiCity. Official webpage [Kai-City Kiel] | Official webpage [Germaniahafen]
* Lübeck. WallhalbinselLübeck?. Official pdf-publication [Wallhalbinsel Lübeck]
* Kiel. KaiCity. Official webpage [Kai-City Kiel] | Official webpage [Germaniahafen].
* Lübeck. WallhalbinselLübeck?. Official pdf-publication [Wallhalbinsel Lübeck]. Siehe außerdem [Hochschulstadtteil Lübeck]

Changed: 29,34c30


* Oslo. AkerBrygge. Official webpage [Aker Brygge]. Information of the main of hotels of Aker Brygge [City Office]

Added: 35a32,33
* Amsterdam, Eastern Docklands. Official representation [Oostelijk Havengebied Amsterdam].
* Rotterdam, Port of Rotterdam. Official Webpage [Port of Rotterdam].

Changed: 37,38c35,37
* Amsterdam. EasternDocklands. Official representation [Oostelijk Havengebied Amsterdam].
* Rotterdam. PortofRotterdam. Official Webpage [Port of Rotterdam].

* Oslo, Aker Brygge. Official webpage [Aker Brygge].

Changed: 40c39

Added: 41a41
* Gdansk, Young City. Webpage of an office for architecture [Young City].

Changed: 43,46c43
* Gdansk. [Young City].

Changed: 48,49c45

* Barcelona (Olympia 1992, WorldArtsFestival 2004). See infos about the group MadeInBarcelona. See also ModellBarcelona.
* Barcelona (Olympia 1992, WorldArtsFestival 2004). See the official page [Barcelona of the Olympic Games]

Added: 50a47
See also infos of the group MadeInBarcelona and ModellBarcelona.

Changed: 52c49

Removed: 54d50

Changed: 59c55,58
Cities with harbour-restructuring projects in the United States:
Cities with harbour-restructuring or waterfront-revitalisation projects in the United States:
* Baltimore | Boston | Chicago | New York | Seatlle
* San Francisco, Fishermans Warf. Official webpage [FishermansWarf]

Changed: 61,66c60,66
* Baltimore
* Boston
* Chicago
* New York
* San Francisco. FishermansWarf. Official Webpage [FishermansWarf]
* Seatlle

Cities with harbour-restructuring or waterfront-revitalisation projects in Australia:
* Sydney, Darling Harbour. Official webpage [DarlingHarbour] | Sydney city-guide [DarlingHarbour]

Cities with harbour-restructuring or waterfront-revitalisation projects in Canada:
* Toronto. Central Waterfront. Official webpage [Toronto waterfront].

Changed: 69c69,70
Cities with harbour-restructuring projects in Australia
See the bibliography # [Revitalisierung von Hafen- und Uferzonen] von Dirk Schubert

See the article # [Wachsende Metropolregionen] (Hamburger Abendblatt 2003-12-06)

Removed: 71d71
* Sydney. DarlingHarbour. Official webpage [DarlingHarbour] | Sydney city-guide [DarlingHarbour]

Cities with harbour-restructuring or waterfront-revitalisation projects in Europe:





See article about harbour-restructuring projects in northern germany (Hamburg, Kiel, Lübeck and Flensburg):





See also infos of the group MadeInBarcelona and ModellBarcelona.


Cities with harbour-restructuring or waterfront-revitalisation projects in the United States:

Cities with harbour-restructuring or waterfront-revitalisation projects in Australia:

Cities with harbour-restructuring or waterfront-revitalisation projects in Canada:

See the bibliography # [Revitalisierung von Hafen- und Uferzonen] von Dirk Schubert
See the article # [Wachsende Metropolregionen] (Hamburger Abendblatt 2003-12-06)

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Last edited June 13, 2003 17:13 (diff)